Being a 2K Mama E

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Some randomness...

Nothing much to report. I went to Joann's and Target last night and got into trouble! Uh oh! Oh well. I didn't get in trouble though. I went to start my layout but of course my husband forgot to rewrite his poem before he went fishing. Bad bad boy. Thank god Ace left American Idol last night. He was quite the bore. Elliot needs to be next. I am really not understanding why my Chris was in the bottom 3. NOT HAPPY WITH THIS AT ALL!!! Paris well she needs a new voice box, and Kelli just needs brains. Enough of that. I finally got to use my shopping cart cover for the first time yesterday. My kid thinks its a new bed or something. He suddenly doesn't comprehend the concept of sitting up. He wants to lean and rest his head on the side of the cart. Oh no but it gets better, everything I stop in an aisle at the store he starts screaming and whining like he is a girl. The minute you start moving he stops. SPOILED BRAT! But after all he is just too cute! Well I must go to Michaels today as I do have a coupon(can't go to waste ya know) and the oh so wonderful grocery store. I really would like to go to the Hobby Lobby but it is kind of far from me, but of course there is another Michaels over there and a super walmart for groceries...Hmmmm...I'll keep you posted on what I decide. Okie Dokies...Time for breakfast and shower time! Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I'm getting harrassed...

Alrigth I am getting harrassed to update so here goes...The mother in law that Michelle "hearts" so much came to visit on Friday, and she is completly obsessed with cleaning so my house smelled like Clorax all weekend. The visit was rather a bore. She has no interest in her grandson as he isn't old enough for her to want to spend more time with him alone. Didn't know there where age limits on these things. Yeah so I am watching TV and Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise had their baby. It's a girl. Still think they are wackos with their scientology crap! Anyhwow, so Saturday was kind of a lounge day, hung around watching movies. Sunday was Easter and we went to the beach! Yeah! I got some sun that makes me brown, and hubby got some sun that made him red. HAHA! The little monster of mine played away in his pack in play having a blast. We had a pretty good time. Here is a crazy pic of Hayden. I think he had more fun with his pack in play then his toys.

I know he is a complete nut job. But he gets that from his daddy. His daddy likes to go smoke outside now in mommy's shoes. Take a look...

If you still don't believe me that mu husband is a complete wack job then look what he did to his hard hat at work...PSYCHO...

He really wants to put a saw going lenthwise now on his hat, so when he does that I will make sure I post. But if that isn't enough if you read Michelle's post you see our family is really weird. See our Mother in law is the complete nut job. She has serious control issues. She is blaming Michelle for pulling her credit report now, and mad at jimmy and I for Talking to her and Robby about this situation becuase she didn't get to first. Oh well too bad. So that is really all that has been going on lately. Not a whole heck of a lot. Oh are weird neighbor is moving out. Yeah!!!!
So I guess I am so supposed to name 5 things I know about somebody. So i will do Michelle since she did me...

1. She likes to run peoples credit report behind there back...(Watch out for her)

2. She has had 4 cars in the 3 years she has been married. LOL.

3. She gave me a beautiful lil neice named McKenzie.

4. She is a a complete scrapaholic!

5. She is pregnant AGAIN!

Overall I couldn't ask for a more dysfuncational family with a complete nutty sister-in-law. Nah I just kidding. I couldn't ask for a BETTER sister in law or brother in law. They are great. Oh and she really isnt pregnant, made ya think think twice didn't I? But she will be again...oneday! I ordered my May kit from Serendipity. Yeah! So we will see what I can come up with. My new thought was to take all my "loose" recipes that I have collected from people here and there and make a recipe scrapbook. My other thought is that we can get others involved and exchange/swap recipes and all make an album and share! I know I am a dork. Hey it's only like 8 am. So the other pic I must show even though my husband is going to kill me is he took Hayden in the shower with him last night. I got some adorable pics, but one really stands out. Don't worry it's PG not X-rated stuff.

And then...he got scared and hung on for dear life...

Adorable isn't it. Well time to go eat some eggos. I just migth do some scrapin today. Mrs. Psycho Eckart you need to let me know about my crazy recipe thought, nad give me lots of Kudos for updating...arn't you proud! Love you.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

I finally did a LO!

Weekend has started off kind of eventful, but coming to a slow down now...thank god. i finally got a layout down, but it was part of a frame kit that I got for Xmas. I kind of altered it though, becasue I didn't like the way it came. Kind of boring. Not really sure if I like how I painted the frame. It was white, and very bright. I think maybe if I used different colors I would like it better. Oh well you live and learn. The pic makes it kind of hard to see the wording though. Around the pictures it says, " sweet it be named by you!" Hayden is named after his grandpa Dennis. Then in the upper hand right corner I put the name Martin and that it is latin, and then in green which of course you can't see, and it says, "warlike." So that is really about it. We might go to the fair tonight but maybe not. I think we are going to go look at some more cars tonight. I could go get a car at the Ford dealership, but since my mother-in-law is a control freak, we can't do that. But we will not get me started on that subject again. I think between me and my husband last night we were going to kill her so. I really wish things were not like this between everyone with her, but I have to keep tellin gmyself that she chose this path. No matter what anyone does it will never be good enough for her. So everyday is a different day, and I got to stop the what if's, and just live for what I am thankful for. Which is my beautiful, handsome son, my husband, and the other close friends and family that I have. Too many to list so you all know who you are. Love you all...

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Okie Dokies I got a pic of the letters. Nothing to creative, just a lil wood and a lil paint.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Part 2 of my wonderful car

So my trunk is all fixed.Yeah! But not to fast...I go to the store this morning and leave to go home and the unexpected happens...again. But it really shouldn't be an unexpected as this is a monthly problem! Yeah my car broke down again. 8 inch piece of wire that snapped off that is connected to the battery. So after being astranded with a 7 month old, getting the car towed, getting a rental car, and finiding our that is the problem...VERY ANNOYING! Plus to top it all...the 8 inch wire is going to cost $220 to fix plus the $75 tow and $35 for the rental. Oh and lets not forget about taxes. Gotta love the state of florida. So that is what happens when you own a Volkswagon. On the brighter news, I ordered some stuff from Serendipity and got into there monthly club. Yeah! I got the letters H-A-Y-D-E-N and a fish and crab to paint and put up in Hayden's room. I will post later as they are drying right now. Well hopefully everyone had a better day then I did today...because mine SUCKED!!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

My wonderful car

Well here we go again...another problem with the car. The trunk won't close now. Never buy a volkswagon...they are seriously a bucket of bolts! So hubby has another job tonight. He loves leaving work to come home to more work, especially when it involves the car. Well my goal today is to get all caught up on the laundry and go through Haydens clothes and put away the ones he has out grown. Oh what fun. Today is my husband and I's 1 month wedding anniversary. Yeah I know I am a dork. So I bought a bottle of champagne for us. We never used our champagne flutes that we had for the wedding so I figured tonight was a good night. We saw the movie Your's, mine and Our's last night. It was cute. It's about 2 seperate housholds that come together and each have children, so in the end they have 18 children. yeah a lot I know. Jimmy leans over as we are watching this and saying we are going to have 10 now from watching this. Yeah ok. I don't think so. It is amazing what one tiny little pill can do. Well of to do my chores for the day. Depending on my day I might even break out the scrapbook stuff and start working on it since it has only been like FOREVER! Have a good day everyone!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Our first swimming day...

Well this weekend was pretty laid back. Didn't do a whole lot on Saturday. Today we went out to lunch to Sonny's. Yum...hadn't had that in a very long time.Then we came home and took our lil man to the pool. I was kind of nervous at first, not sure how he would be, my surprise he LOVED it! I must say he was the cutest baby at the pool in his lil board shorts. He kept wanted to drink the water, but other then that he splished splashed away. We cleaned aup around the house and got some things organized a little better. Jimmy (my husband) is about to kill our neighbors. The girl below us has her stupid dogs barking at 3 am every morning lately, and the couple behind us beats on the wall in our bedroom when the computer subwoofer speaker is too loud. So of course that his latest battle. Boys will be boys. Well time to go cook dinner. Hope everyone had a good weekend!